Possono dei robot industriali diventare semplici come dei cobot?
Robotica avanzata e i modelli di AI ad ogni impresa
Simone Sottocasa - YK- Robotics
Nowadays SMEs are struggling to maintain their competitiveness all over the world.
33% of companies in manufacturing industries has production constrains due to lack of workers
Robots are ready to fill this gap and should beaffordable for every company, but they are not!
We are making robotics and artificial intelligence accessible to all companies.
A single platform one user-friendly language millions of new applications
33% of companies in manufacturing industries has production constrains due to lack of workers
Robots are ready to fill this gap and should beaffordable for every company, but they are not!
We are making robotics and artificial intelligence accessible to all companies.
A single platform one user-friendly language millions of new applications

Fonte: SAVE ottobre 2023 L’importanza della robotica collaborativa nei processi produttivi
Settori: Automazione industriale, HMI, Industria 4.0, Informatica, Intelligenza artificiale, Meccanica, Robot, Smart manufacturing, Software industriale
Mercati: Industria manifatturiera
- Siri - Associazione Italiana di Robotica e Automazione
- UNI Ente Nazionale Italiano di Normazione