IOT - IIOT - R&D - Manutenzione predittiva - Servitization La piattaforma IOThing: tecnologia testata e consolidata con decine di installazioni e centinaia di dispositivi in ambienti civili e industriali. IOT predittivo in fabbrica Servitization e Digital Transformation Service
field service
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Articoli e news su field service
Servitization e Digital Transformation sono due facce della stessa medaglia. Per questo i costruttori di macchine industriali possono e devono trasformare il Service in una grande opportunità.
GEL TECH: digitalizzare i processi tra fornitore e cliente. L'applicazione: - semplice e intuitiva - richiesta intervento - mappa con il parco macchine - ordine dei ricambi - carrello riepilogativo - documenti sempre a disposizione - consultazione dello stato interventi
- OverIT è un provider leader in ambito software di Field Service Management - Sistemi evoluti di field service management integrano i moduli della Grid Software Suite dando vita a una visione olistica del digital twin della rete elettrica - Il field service management è di importanza crescente per il mondo delle utility - La creazione di un ecosistema di partner con prodotti complementari è alla base della strategia di Siemens Xcelerator
ServiceMax e Salesforce uniscono le forze per fornire la soluzione più completa per il field service, massima efficienza con una vista a 360 gradi degli asset insieme alla piattaforma numero 1 per il CRM.
Reti mobili più veloci faciliteranno l'adozione della tecnologia mobile sul campo. Zebra Technologies, ha presentato oggi i risultati della sua ultima indagine che indicano come i field service provider che operano nel settore delle telecomunicazioni e nelle industrie tecniche incrementeranno a livello globale l'utilizzo di tecnologie mobili così da ottimizzare e trasformare a livello operativo i flussi di lavoro sul campo.
(in lingua inglese) A field service technician drives three hours to a remote hospital to perform preventive maintenance on an MRI machine. The head of security at an office building calls her maintenance team to fix a broken surveillance camera. An aviation MRO crew waits in a hangar to perform planned service on a 787 jet engine. These service calls require specialized skills, effective logistical coordination, and varying levels of planning. But there's a common goal: Service leaders and their technicians in the field need the right tools and knowledge to keep critical equipment running - and to meet customers' ever - changing expectations for uptime and support. It's all made possible by a solution we call Service Execution Management, a software category that includes both Field Service Management and Asset Service Management.
(in lingua inglese) Asset-heavy industries tend to focus their digital trasformation efforts, first and foremost, on connecting their machines. That's important, but of little value on its own. To realize the value of digital trasformation, service organizations must evaluate their business goals and prioritize the three pillars of digital service transformation accordingly. Customer experience and equipment uptime using IoT have become increasingly important areas of focus for organizations. The workforce, however, is often overlooked as a driver for transformation, yet it plays a key role in service execution. it is, after all, the workforce that performs the necessary maintenance on equipment and interacts with the customer more than any other business function.
(in lingua inglese) The management of assets is an ongoing and never-ending struggle for organisations. There are so many different facets and features to successfully maintaining an asset estate that organisations can never take their eye off the ball. One slip-up can cause a potentially catastrophic disaster, or at the very least an episode of unplanned downtime costing vast sums of money and negative brand implications. For these very reasons it is an absolute necessity for organisations to nullify the problems that they are experiencing. Thus far this has been easier said than done. There is such a raft of potential causes of unplanned downtime that it is almost like needing eyes in the back of your head to solve the problems that arise.
(in lingua inglese) You're under increasing pressure from senior management to boost revenues and cut costs, while maintaining service levels to customers. But, how can you strike the right balance between what appear to be competing objectives? The answer lies in your service organization's first-time fix rate. When you focus on improving this metric, it's like pulling a lever that can simultaneously increase customer satisfaction, reduce operational costs and create new revenue by freeing up technicians to handle more jobs every day.
Gli ultimi webinar su field service
La gestione dell'assistenza sul campo (Field Service Management, FSM) è un metodo di organizzazione e ottimizzazione delle operazioni eseguite fuori dagli uffici, dagli operatori sul campo.