Production Machinery reloaded
Productivity and technology fit towards Industry 5.0
Luca Battistoni - Siemens
Massimo Lenti, GEA PAVAN
(PDF in lingua inglese)
La produzione di macchinari è in continua evoluzione utilizzando nuove tecnologie e affrontando nuove sfide dovute all'industria e agli scenari di mercato: come GEA, sta progettando un nuovo adattamento per abbinare alta produttività e produttività sostenibile, perché oggi l'offerta tecnologica disponibile è piuttosto ampia e da trovare un business case adatto potrebbe non essere un compito facile.
La sostenibilità tecnologica viene affrontata introducendo gli abilitanti più recenti come industrial EDGE, Artificial Intellicence, protocolli IT, protocolli di sicurezza informatica e sensori di nuova generazione, ma l'argomento più importante riguarda il software e l'algoritmo di Business Intelligence per consentire ai clienti di essere in grado di intraprendere azioni e decisioni per eseguire le operazioni aziendali in tempo e su obiettivi di costo.
- From Sensor to Edge to Cloud
- Machinery Industry 5.0
The machinery production is constantly evolving by using new technology and facing new challenges due to
industry and market scenarios: as GEA,
- we are designing a new fit to match high productivity and sustainable productivity that's because
nowadays the available technological offer is pretty wide and to find a suitable business case may not an
easy task. The technological sustainability is approached by proper connectivity system architectures
- by introducing latest enablers like EDGE, IT protocols, Cybersecurity protocols and new generation sensors
but most important topic is about Business Intelligence software and algorithm, Platform agnostic
- to let Customers to be able to take actions and decisions to run business operation on time and on cost
targets and looking at Machinery "Life-Cycle-Cost".
- Machinery Performance monitoring
Energy Management Factory engineering (remote and realtime)
Machinery Performance Insight (remote and realtime)
- GEA PAVAN monitoring system
- From Sensor to Edge to Cloud
- Machinery Industry 5.0
The machinery production is constantly evolving by using new technology and facing new challenges due to
industry and market scenarios: as GEA,
- we are designing a new fit to match high productivity and sustainable productivity that's because
nowadays the available technological offer is pretty wide and to find a suitable business case may not an
easy task. The technological sustainability is approached by proper connectivity system architectures
- by introducing latest enablers like EDGE, IT protocols, Cybersecurity protocols and new generation sensors
but most important topic is about Business Intelligence software and algorithm, Platform agnostic
- to let Customers to be able to take actions and decisions to run business operation on time and on cost
targets and looking at Machinery "Life-Cycle-Cost".
- Machinery Performance monitoring
Energy Management Factory engineering (remote and realtime)
Machinery Performance Insight (remote and realtime)
- GEA PAVAN monitoring system

Fonte: SAVE ottobre 2022 Web Automation, Cloud, Edge Computing, AI: tecnologie al servizio della fabbrica digitale
Settori: Automazione industriale, Cloud Computing, Industria 4.0, Informatica, Robot, Software industriale
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