Bluetooth Smart, Smart Ready and Wi-Fi: a new era for Wireless Communication Technologies
Enrico Taddeo - Avnet EMG Italy
Fabio Norfo, Avnet Embedded
(in lingua inglese)
Smart Home applications are among the biggest opportunities of growth for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies.
In this segment the most visible applications are in the field of:
– Light control
– In-home energy displays
– Indoor camera
– Electric appliances
– HVAC systems and their associated sensors
– Door keyless locks
– Door and windows motion sensors
– Thermostat and stoves control

Fonte: Convegno Home & Building, Veronafiere, ottobre 2012
Settori: Automazione industriale, Domotica, Informatica, Reti di comunicazione, Sensoristica, Telecomunicazioni
Mercati: Edilizia
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