Monitoring in situ performance of pervious concrete in British Columbia - A pilot study
Rishi Gupta - University of Victoria Canada
(in lingua inglese)
A case study is presented that describes a 1000 ft2 pilot placement of pervious concrete in a parking lot that is serving as a non-conventional paving material in an urban environment. A network of embedded perforated pipes is being used to monitor the capacity of the pavement to absorb and detain the rain runoff and its effect on improving quality of permeated runoff. The innovative construction procedure is comparable to conventional construction and a desired finish/texture for a parking lot can be achieved. The lack of an existing technique to manufacture molded specimens for compression testing may have partly contributed to the low measured compressive strength
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Fonte: Articolo Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2013
Parole chiave: Embedded
- Contradata Milano
- Alessandro Damian
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- Wika Italia S.r.l. & C.
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