A new MATLAB/Simulink model of triple-junction solar cell and MPPT based on artificial neural networks
Hegazy Rezk - Minia University
El-Sayed Hasaneen, Aswan University
(in lingua inglese)
A new Matlab/Simulink model of PV module based on high efficiency InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell is proposed. The proposed model represents the PV cell, module, and array for easy use on the simulation platform. The model takes solar radiation and cell temperature as input parameters and outputs I–V and P–V characteristics under various conditions and also includes the effect of the temperature variations on the cell characteristics. Artificial Neural Network based tracker technique is proposed. The overall PV system with MPPT is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink.

Fonte: Articolo Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2015
Parole chiave: AI Intelligenza artificiale per l'industria
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