VIALab Machine Visione Benchmark - risultati preliminari
Fabio Gori - T3LAB
Simone Giardino, T3LAB
Claudio Salati, T3LAB
Claudio Salati, T3LAB
(in lingua inglese)
Goals of VIALAB machine vision benchmark
• Provide an independent benchmark of the most relevant machine vision libraries
• Construct a framework that allows an easy repetition of performance measures on new libraries and on new versions of libraries that have already been tested
• Performance metrics and measures must be comparable
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Fonte: convegno ANIPLA a SAVE, Veronafiere, ottobre 2012
Settori: Automazione industriale, Sistemi di visione
Parole chiave: Automazione industriale, Sistemi di visione
- Emanuele Goldoni
- Filippo Ferrario
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