Rotor failure detection of induction motors by wavelet transform and Fourier transform in non-stationary condition
Cesar da Costa - IFSP
(in lingua inglese)
This case study presents a comparison between two methods for the detection of rotor bar faults in induction cage motors, validated and optimized. The first case uses FFT method and allows for the classical detection of broken bars based on the application of the Fourier transform to the stator current of an induction motor running in the steady state. Fault detection is achieved by studying the two sideband components (lower and upper) that appear around the supply frequency component. This classical approach has important advantages such as simplicity of data acquisition systems and required software, as well as robustness, and it has provided quite satisfactory results hitherto

Fonte: Articolo Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2015
Settori: Automazione industriale, Elettrotecnica, Motori, Motori elettrici, Reti di comunicazione, Strumentazione industriale
Parole chiave: Acquisizione dati, Motori elettrici
- Piva Alessandro
- Emanuele Goldoni
- Luca Signorini
- Valentina Albano
- Alberto Griffini, Thomas Ambrosi
- Alberto Sibono