Fuzzy Life-Extending control of anti-lock braking system
Ahmed M. El-Garhy - Helwan University
(in lingua inglese)
he wear of the disc/pads has a high degree of nonlinearity that makes any system unable to control without directly addressing it. In addition, successive braking yields to increase the temperature and consequently the brake fading will increase the stopping distance and wear of the brake pads and disc. Thus, a wear model is built to provide on-line information about the wear and its variation with system parameters. Then, it was challenging for a traditional controller to reduce the wear and achieve the main goal of the ABS system concerning the safety represented by the stopping distance in addition to accepted loss-level of performance.

Fonte: Articolo Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2013
Settori: Elettrotecnica
Mercati: Sicurezza industriale
Parole chiave: Controller
- Hilscher Italia
- Omron Corporation
- Wika Italia S.r.l. & C.
- Mitsubishi Electric