Virtual and remote robotic laboratory using EJS, MATLAB and LabVIEW
Dictino Chaos - UNED
Jesus Chacon, UNED
Jose Antonio Lopez-Orozco, UNED
Sebastian Dormido, UNED
Jose Antonio Lopez-Orozco, UNED
Sebastian Dormido, UNED
(in lingua inglese)
The virtual and remote laboratories have been operating in the Master of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control of UNED and Complutense University for two years. In these years, it has shown to be a very useful tool for teaching the role that sensors play on robotics. Student satisfaction survey shows that they agree or completely agree with the fact that the laboratory is necessary for a complete understanding of the robotic sensors. Using the virtual laboratory like the remote one has been a success: students can get confidence in their work before testing in the real robot and they can make a first debug of the code before testing it in the real robot.
Fonte: Pubblicazione Sensors, 2013
Mercati: Industria manifatturiera
- PATLITE Europe GmbH
- Consorzio PI Italia