Solutions for the thermal management of electrical enclosures and industrial processes in different fields

Genius – Coralis - Aqus

Windows & door solutions for sun and insects’ protection, included speed reducers, spring adjustment devices and accessories

Two Business Units, a single vision

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for switchboards and electronics

Ventilation systems

From compact fans to solutions for the movement of large volumes of air to filtered ventilation systems: everything you need for professional ventilation of electrical panels and electronic components.

for electrical panels

Climate control systems

Heaters and cooling units, for heating and air conditioning electrical panels. Solutions to maintain an optimal temperature inside the enclosure for the correct functioning operation of the electronic components.

temperature and humidity

Ambient control systems

Thermostats, hygrostats and the Sensis IIoT device: for ambient control of the electrical panel. Solutions that monitor temperature and humidity levels; ideal for controlling other cooling and heating units.

for a more complete and safe enclosure

Electro-technical systems

Thanks to LED lighting systems, flashing signal devices, door limit switches operating on panels and electrical panels is even more comfortable and safe.


From filter fan units to anti-condensation heaters. From LED lamps to illuminate electrical panels up to air conditioning systems. From ambient control systems, through compact fans and cooling units.

Enclosure components

Enclosure components

Door limit switches, flashing signal devices. Our selection of components for electrical panels.

Filter fans and roof exhaust units

Filter fans and roof exhaust units

The filter fans convey filtered ambient air to keep the temperature inside the electrical cabinet uniform.

Frame fans

Frame fans

Axial and centrifugal fans for the cooling of electronic applications sensitive to temperature variations.


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New digital catalogue

The new version of product catalogue offers extra digital content: by browsing it online, you can reach a greater level of detail. Just a click on the code to directly access the single data sheets for a technical insight.